About Katherine Gaffney

Katherine Gaffney completed her MFA at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and PhD at the University of Southern Mississippi. Her work has previously appeared in jubilat, Harpur Palate, Mississippi Review, Meridian, and elsewhere. She has attended the Tin House Summer Writing Workshop, the SAFTA Residency, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference as a scholar. Her first chapbook, Once Read as Ruin, was published by Finishing Line Press in 2021. Her first full-length collection, Fool in a Blue House, won the Tampa Review Prize for Poetry and was published in 2023. She lives and teaches in Champaign, Illinois.

Chapbook Cover

Once Read as Ruin

Katherine Gaffney’s first chapbook out from Finishing Line Press is available at Bookshop, Amazon, Walmart, and other book retailers. More information from the publisher.

Fool in a Blue House

Katherine Gaffney’s first full length collection, Fool in a Blue House, is available at Bookshop, Amazon, Walmart, and other book retailers. More information from the publisher.